When someone comes into your organization needing assistance, do you give them money, turn them away or are you concerned that maybe your staff isn’t educated about how to best handle the situation?
Hope Haven presents CARE Training. We’ve created this curriculum by taking our decade of experience in helping those in crisis, wisdom and the Bible to help our partners best assist those in crisis situations.
“Hope In a Box™ (HIB) is a practical, duplicatable and proven system which when used, will guide any volunteer whether an organization or individual, to assist and transition any willing marginalized and/or homeless individual into a permanent, self-sustaining lifestyle.
Here at Hope Haven headquarters, we accept a limited number of non-profit organization members to office out of our building.
We know that as a fledgling not for profit or even a startup, it’s important to have a home base to bring your prospects, clients and potential partners. It is also important that you’re afforded all the tools you need to make a big difference with your particular unique charity or cause.